Ports of Auckland workers return to Teal Park with message

Maritime Union members at the Ports of Auckland will be gathering at Teal Park on Friday 5 October 2012 from 2pm until 3.30pm (next to the entrance to the Fergusson Terminal on Tamaki Drive.)

The timing of the event will cover shift changeovers at the Port.

Maritime Union of New Zealand National President Garry Parsloe says the event will be the first in a series.

He says the events are to provide a visible reminder to Aucklanders that the port dispute is not over, despite 12 months of negotiations.

They will also serve as a focal point for port workers and public supporters of secure jobs and public ownership of the Ports of Auckland.

“The idea is to bring together our members and supporters in a positive way to visibly show the dispute is ongoing and to demonstrate our unity.”

Mr Parsloe says MUNZ has worked very hard to settle an agreement that provides further flexibility to ensure the Port continues to be successful for the people of Auckland.

“We believe it is possible to do this and have a fair collective agreement that provides security for our members, unlike the Port of Tauranga that POAL continues to hold up as the model.”

Mr Parsloe says the event will be upbeat with a barbeque, music and speakers, and other unions attending.

Supportive members of the public are welcome to attend.


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