March 7, 2025

Ports of Auckland under threat from secret SuperCity agenda

The Maritime Union says it is concerned about the intentions of the Government towards Auckland’s public assets under the proposed SuperCity.

The union represents several hundred workers at the Ports of Auckland, which provides a major income to the people of Auckland who own the port through the Auckland Regional Council.

Maritime Union Local 13 Secretary Russell Mayn says there has been an ongoing “softening up” campaign from big business interests to sell off the Ports of Auckland so they can get their hands on them.

He says there is serious cause for concern that the SuperCity plan for Auckland’s local government will be used to push forward privatization of assets – including the port.

“Minister of Local Government Rodney Hide has made it very clear that he favours sell offs of the people’s assets which could see the ports along with land, infrastructure and water as monopolies owned by overseas corporations.”

The fact that these assets are regional and local assets, not state assets, provides an escape clause from the Prime Minister John Key’s promise not to privatize any public assets in this term of the Government.

Mr Mayn says the evidence shows the majority of Aucklanders are opposed to privatization of local assets.

“The Maritime Union will strongly advocate for keeping public assets such as the Ports of Auckland in public hands.”

He says the Maritime Union is supporting Auckland MP Phil Twyford’s Local Government (Protection of Auckland Assets) Amendment Bill and the “Not Yours To Sell” campaign to keep Auckland’s public assets in public hands.

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