March 15, 2025

Maritime Union opposes any GST increase

The Maritime Union of New Zealand says any rises in GST would hurt workers.

Maritime Union General Secretary Joe Fleetwood says a proposed rise of GST to 15% suggested this afternoon by the Prime Minister would be bad for the majority of New Zealanders.

He says that GST hits ordinary workers hard, and any increase would be used to subsidize income tax cuts for the wealthy.

“Any rise in GST will create more inequality, a bigger gap in wealth and will hurt the growing number of working poor in New Zealand trapped in low income and casual jobs.”

Mr Fleetwood says there seems to be little of substance in the Prime Minister’s economic statement about the serious increase in the number of unemployed people, especially young people.


For more information, contact Maritime Union of New Zealand General Secretary Joe Fleetwood on 021364649

One thought on “Maritime Union opposes any GST increase

  • 15/4/10
    Are you aware of any protests actions planned against a rise in GST? I am based in Wellington.


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