Labour work and wages policy good for working people
Labour’s new policy on work and wages, announced today, is good for the working people of New Zealand.
Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Joe Fleetwood says working people need a voice in their workplaces.
“The recognition of the role of Unions as this voice is a foundation of the Labour policy.”
The rights of working people would benefit from the abolition of the 90 days fire at will law, he says.
A commitment to strengthening of procedures for collective bargaining and multi employer bargaining would also ensure fairness and improvements in wages and conditions.
The restoration of rights of access for unions to the workplace, and increases to the minimum wage and the introduction of the Living Wage to core public services would help many struggling workers.
Mr Fleetwood says the combined effect of casualization, unemployment and low wages is harming New Zealand.
He says the Maritime Union supports the goals of the Labour Party for an inclusive society where all New Zealanders move forward together.
The Maritime Union is an affiliate of the Labour Party.