March 10, 2025

Maritime Union statement on appointment of new Ports of Auckland CEO

The Maritime Union has welcomed the appointment of Roger Gray as Ports of Auckland CEO.

Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says the appointment marks a new start for the troubled Port.

He says after a decade of difficult and aggressive management at the Ports, there was the opportunity to build a more positive relationship between workers and management.

“The Maritime Union has worked constructively with Mr Gray in his role as CEO of Port of Lyttelton and we see this continuing in his new role.”

He says he expects a pragmatic approach from the new CEO, who will accept the role of the Union as the representative of the great majority of workers at the Ports.

Mr Harrison says substantial problems at Ports of Auckland under previous management had their roots in an ideological war against the Union, lack of transparency around the stalled automation project, and an arrogant out of touch attitude in senior management.

This had ended with a divided workplace, several workplace deaths, a damning health and safety report, and conflicts between the POAL owners Auckland City, the Board, and Management.

Mr Harrison says a recent shake up of the POAL board of directors has provided a better mix of directors with a fresh outlook.

“We would like to see a worker representative on the POAL Board, and all major enterprises in New Zealand, as is seen in many productive European economies.”

Former CEO Tony Gibson and the Ports of Auckland have recently been charged under the Health and Safety at Work Act, after the death of a stevedore at the Ports in August 2020.

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