March 10, 2025

New Zealand’s ports need to work together – and move into coastal shipping

As supply chain pressures continue to build, a leading New Zealand transport union says immediate action is required.

Maritime Union of New Zealand National Secretary Craig Harrison says the causes have been identified, and now innovative solutions are required for a new era of supply chain congestion and insecurity.

Mr Harrison says export cargo needs to be in front of the major shipping lines at major ports so there is no requirement for big ships to transit around regional ports.

“A New Zealand flagged coastal shipping service would have the ability to move the volumes needed around the country in a timely manner.”

This would resolve one major congestion point, he says.

He says for a New Zealand coastal shipping operation to be effective it needs to be supported by New Zealand ports and ensure consistent berth times and supply of port services.

Mr Harrison says a consortium of New Zealand ports and freight operators could develop a joint venture, which answers the needs of all players.

“ There is a precedent, as port companies around New Zealand have already developed off port container storage and trucking facilities, have worked with rail developing fixed daily services, and have created joint ventures such as tug operations and procurement.”

He says KiwiRail could be a possible partner with their shipping operation, and the Government needed to facilitate and provide direction for the future strategy of ports and the supply chain.


One thought on “New Zealand’s ports need to work together – and move into coastal shipping

  • Also need to bury the past between stevedore companies and start sharing expertise to fill some of the skill gaps we have


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